Resilience Workshops

We offer a range of workshops from one-hour lunchtime sessions to two day workshops that can be scheduled over four-half days.  The focus is variable and can cover:

  • Building individual employee resilience
  • Leadership behaviours that support resilience, and
  • Team resilience.

Experience with a wide range of occupations

We have facilitated workshops for a wide range of occupational groups including executives, farmers, emergency services, volunteers, doctors, nurses, radiographers, child protection workers, business managers, accountants, academics, human resource personnel, trainers, psychologists, administrative support staff, school principals, teachers, IT professionals, community service staff, park rangers, social workers, geologists, scientists, counsellors, rehabilitation providers, occupational health and safety practitioners, mental health workers, corrections staff, disability workers, employment placement officers and carers….to name a few.

All our workshops are:

  • Practical – with strategies that can be integrated into everyday work
  • Custom designed to ensure alignment with the organisational context – in particular the unique demands and challenges of the roles of participants
  • Interactive with activities and materials that have been successfully applied within workplaces
  • Based on materials that have a strong evidence-based
  • Scheduled in modules that suit availability
  • Focused on participant development of a specific plan for resilience building, which in the case of manager workshops includes a team development plan
  • Conducted by skilled facilitators accredited in our model and resources.

Completion of the R@W Toolkit measures as part of the workshop is optional but encouraged as having a base-line measure to work from is highly motivating.

When a work team attends sessions together there is the added benefit of developing strategies for the group as well as for individuals.

What people are saying about our workshops…

“I have heard nothing but good things about the sessions, which is pretty impressive from our management team as they are all very busy people.  So thanks for that. The people I’ve spoken to have all said that it was very useful and you were very engaging as a facilitator/presenter”.

Manager, Consumer Business Support Division (Legal Sector)

“I have to tell you how much I enjoyed your presentation and the feedback following the session has been excellent.  Your tips for building resilience were simple and so easy to understand and follow.  You came highly recommended and you did not disappoint.”

Manager, HR and Corporate Services (Education Sector)

“Thank you very much for the work with our team.  The workshop was very well received.  People also felt it was good to have a chance to verbalise and to acknowledge the year’s successes and challenges.  Some great strategies were identified for us to work on and we will be implementing these.”

Director (Health Sector)

“Our whole organisation participated in the ‘Building Resilience in Challenging Times’ workshops as part of our employee wellbeing program. Your facilitator was very skilled and able to engage people from the start meaning they actively participated in the workshops. Feedback has been very positive and staff felt the training was beneficial. From an organisation’s perspective, the training provided staff with strategies to build their resilience which will be advantageous in the future.”

Human Resources Manager (Employment Services)

Lunch-time Series

We also offer ‘bite sized’ entertaining sessions on resilience topics as a lunchtime series. Combining an entertaining yet informative presentation while people eat lunch is a useful strategy when it is difficult to get away from work for a longer session.